
I'm Alexandre CAMANINI, a Parisian with a boundless passion for innovation and technology. In early 2024, I embarked on an exciting new journey to New York City.
Over the past decade, I've been a Manager at EVA Group, a consultancy and technical expertise firm specializing in Cloud & Infrastructure and Cybersecurity. It's a journey that's honed my skills and expertise, and the experiences I've gathered are now poised to benefit the dynamic world of IT and technology in New York City đź—˝.
Notably, in 2023, Sopra Steria I2S acquired EVA Group, and I assumed the role of Product Manager for Cybersecurity Governance, handling critical initiatives for our customers.
My expertise lies in managing critical technological projects for high-stakes businesses. With a strategic mindset and a focus on delivering results, I bring innovation and practical problem-solving to every challenge I undertake.

Beyond the corporate world, I'm a tech enthusiast with a keen eye for design. My curiosity spans from IT innovations to architectural marvels, as I'm captivated by the intersections of technology and building design.

If you'd like to connect or explore more about my journey and interests, you can find me on X (Twitter), LinkedIn, Instagram, and more. I'm eager to embark on this new chapter and bring my passion for innovation to New York City.

Télécharger mon CV (FR)Download my resume (EN)


10+ years of Experience


2024 - current
Spencer Technologies - Louis Vuitton

Senior Project Manager and Cybersecurity Governance

  • Acted as a key liaison in developing client relationships. Developed an action plan to strengthen the relationship and led the turnkey project development.
  • Crafted detailed, high-visibility project plans outlining project scope, timelines, budgets, and required resources, ensuring meticulous tracking and management.
  • Developed and implemented robust quality control processes, guaranteeing that all project deliverables met or exceeded established standards.
  • Maintained comprehensive project documentation, including project plans, status reports, and other essential documents, facilitating clear communication and project tracking.
  • Developed governance within the company with security policies, business continuity plan, incident response plans, playbooks, and tabletop exercises to raise cybersecurity awareness among the C-suite and other company levels.
2023 - 2024
Sopra Steria I2S

Cybersecurity Governance – Product Manager

In charge of the Governance team (7M€, 50+ people and 11 directly managed), participated in the:

  • Management of the team (weekly stand-up, monthly check-up, performance & financial review).
  • Construction of the Profit & Loss and the product (communication, marketing, recruitment, training).
  • Preparation of commercial presentation and coordination with the sales team.
  • Development of the recruitment strategy and production of the communication material with the associated teams.
  • Preparation of internal speeches (training and pitches) and external for customers and France Finance.
  • Program Director for the improvement of CSIRT maturity for 10 ministries (10 consultants, 3 project managers).
2012 - 2022
EVA Group

Governance, Risk and Compliance – Manager

While serving as a Senior Consultant, I managed the product GRC and Project Management.

  • Infrastructure Project Manager (CHANEL) – 20 months:
    • Led and executed complex IT technical projects for CHANEL Global IT, overseeing the successful deployment of WMS, WCS, and advanced mechanization solutions within their workshops.
  • IT Network and Security Manager (CELINE) – 7 months (3 architects):
    • Defined the roadmap for future global developments and projects.
    • Deployed Guest Wi-Fi (50+ sites), and managed the provider contract, ensuring service quality.
    • Integrated a new contractor into the existing Network and Telecom support framework.
  • Network Team Manager (LVMH) – 33 months (10 experts):
    • Orchestrated the operation of LAN, WAN, Security, Cloud proxy, and DNS for 12 Telecom Nodes, supporting international offices and maintaining the infrastructure for the Maison Moet Hennessy.
    • In charge of the relationship with the LVMH and MH, managed the KPIs, Steering Committees, Improvement committees, and a comprehensive service catalog.
    • Managed the day-to-day activities of an international team spanning APAC, EMEA, and AMER with 10 technical experts (1to1, Team meetings, certifications, recruitment, etc.).
  • Network and Telecom Engineer and Project Manager (Louis Vuitton) – 26 months:
    • Managed WAN accesses (fiber, DSL, satellite) for all LVM EMEA, lifecycle/invoicing with multiple IPS.
    • Integrated Cisco WAAS + Akamai on 35 sites (Stores, Workshops, HO) spanning 10 countries.
    • Worked on various projects: site relocations and openings, replacement of EoL devices, guest Wi-Fi for 75+ sites (roll-out, contract, KPIs, customer portal), and optimization of Run and Build processes.
    • Collaborated with the CTO to develop the strategic "Network" project roadmap.
  • Manager of the Network & Telecom operational team (Heineken) – 36 months (4 engineers)
    • In charge of several projects: relocation of logistics platforms, migration of WAN on 90+ sites, roll-out of WAN accelerators with IPANEMA probes, infrastructure renewal on 90+ sites, and SIP Trunk deployment.
    • Directed the Telecom, Network, and Support providers (PQS, Definition of Services, KPI, Action Reports, Steering Committees), created the service catalog, and standardized Operational and Technical procedures.
    • Managed a global improvement task force on support services: creation of categories, forms, and procedures (reduced the processing time by 45%, increased by 30% the tickets processed by Tier1).


Telecom Nancy

Engineering School Degree

Network, Telecom and Services

Mainframe IBM System z (z/OS, z/VM, z/VSE)

IUT du Montet, Nancy


Electrical and industrial informatique


Swimming (competition for 10 years), climbing, tennis.

Soft Skills

Project Management


Change Management


Team Management


Incident Management


Advisory / Audit


Technical Skills

Network - Design


Network - Security


Network - Performance


Cybersecurity - Governance


Cybersecurity - IRP/BCP


Unified Communication












My Works


Street Art

Street Art







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